How Difficult It Is To Be A Woman in Pakistani Society?
This blog will explain all the Difficulties for Woman in Pakistani Society. It is March 8, which means that it’s International Women’s Day. This also means that it is a day to commemorate and celebrate the very struggles of our women in Pakistani society. Over the years we have heard of every sort of bad news. From women being harrassed to women being tortured to death over land disputes, our society is extremely tough on women in Pakistani society. In this blog, we’ll be unveiling how difficult it is to be a woman in Pakistani society.
Difficulties for Woman in Pakistani Society
1. Constant Judgment
One of the many reasons why it’s hard being a woman or what makes us struggle as a woman in Pakistani society, then it is how there is always judgment that prevails over us. As a woman, who lives in a society, I very well know how people mutter stuff behind your back.
You’ve gained weight, everyone is going to talk. If you are pursuing higher education, everyone will talk. You are wearing your favourite, there will be many people who’ll still judge you for this. Women in Pakistani society are always under a constant radar where they are criticised and scrutinised massively.
2. Lack Of Awareness
It’s hard to be a woman, especially in this society. Women in Pakistani society are unaware of their rights. From healthcare to their constitutional rights, women are kept in the dark. A normal woman doesn’t know how her menstrual cycle works. people are unaware of the everyday struggles of woman in Pakistani society because no one talks about it. Almost 50% of woman in Pakistani society don’t know their rights as a wife. They are not aware of their educational rights as well. Furthermore, it is very concerning what we are giving to women in Pakistani society.
3. The Right To Lead
Another very apparent reason for our country not progressing further, is woman in Pakistani society are kept in the dark. Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, where a major portion of its GDP is contributed to its women who play a huge role in its economy. On the other hand, when it comes to our society, women are still not being allowed to work beside men.
Furthermore, women in Pakistani society struggle to make it to top positions as compared to men. As a woman, you have to work 10X harder than men. Women have a low percentage of participation outside of their households.
3. Harassment And Stalking
Harassment and stalking are again very leading crimes in our country. Almost every year a major chunk of women in Pakistani society report harassment cases. Every woman in this country has been harassed or stalked at least once in her lifetime. Furthermore, it’s concerning how this number is increasing.
4. Gender Inequality
Gender inequality is another thing that has always been lingering in our society. Women in Pakistani society are constantly compared to men, and the bias towards one gender is quite prevalent in our society. With patriarchy taking its place at the top, women struggle to make it to entry-level positions because of favouritism.
Furthermore, the same thing has been seen in the corporate system as well.
5. Lack Of Women Empowerment
Unfortunately, a major chunk of our country is made up of women but it’s heartbreaking that we do the least for them. Furthermore, in a male-dominated society like ours, women in Pakistani society are constantly deprived of motivation and empowerment. We don’t provide women in Pakistani society with incentives and opportunities to explore themselves. However, it’s refreshing to see how people especially women in our society are taking a stand. With movements and voices on social media, we are slowly and steadily moving forth.
Read more: 16 Amazing Pakistani Women Who Have Made Us Proud