Digital Dystopia: Social Media Bans Continues In Pakistan
Digital Dystopia Social media is a powerful tool. A tool is so strong that its power and influence cannot be ignored. This means that everything done on social media, including the voices raised on it, has value. The power and the impact cannot be denied. But it may not be true for people in the stone age of Pakistan, where people are not given the basic facility of social media. Here is what we think about!
The Twitter Ban
It has been almost a month since Twitter has been banned from digital dystopia. The most important social media platform has been banned in Pakistan. The ban initially started when many thought that it was some glitch within the app but it was later confirmed that the app has been banned in Pakistan.
Many people are using the app via VPN. It was shocking at first to see an app like Twitter being banned in Pakistan. The main reason that was deduced after the ban was that the app was banned was because of politics. The new political regime in Pakistan has stopped any kind of criticism coming their way therefore, they have discarded and banned Twitter. This attempt depicts nothing but an authoritarian regime by the government.
As discussed earlier, this depicts nothing but an authoritarian regime by the government. With this Twitter ban they are not only silencing the voices of people on social media and the many opinions that are coming forth. It is also silencing the very freedom of the people of this country.
The Obsession With Ban: Digital Dystopia
This wasn’t the first time that Twitter was banned. Previously, TikTok was also banned, the internet was also suspended and many times Twitter was also slowed down. The very reason for these instances has been deduced because of the new political regime. Many people have started saying that the direct criticism against the new regime is the very reason why there are more instances like these.
Furthermore, outrage on social media took place when users got to know that social media platforms like Instagram might also be banned very soon. Furthermore, it was also assumed and the rumour was circulated that social media platforms in Pakistan will come to a halt for once and all.
This digital dystopia only exists in Pakistan. With this said so, many people have taken over social media where they are accusing the current government of such strict and outdated policies.
The bottom line is that what makes us do? It is funny how the representatives of the new political regime are often seen saying that we must boost our IT sector whilst at the same time, banning social media. The main question is as to how can we boost our IT sector when we are also banning digital dystopia social media.
At the end of the day, what remains the most crucial thing is that is this gonna work anyway to favour the people of this country. What we see right now is nothing but an authoritarian regime and social violence by the government of this country. Any progressive country requires the best of people, with opinions but when we filter or block people fork speaking their minds, be it good or bad, do we in many ways make it possible to become a progressive and morally correct society? Are we doing any better? Is it going to help our people? Not. This digital dystopia only exists in Pakistan. With this said so, many people have taken over social media where they are accusing the current government of such strict and outdated policies.
let us know what you think.
Also read: Boycott PSL Trends On Twitter