Stay Bite-Free: Top Tips to Avoid Mosquitoes This Summer
Summers are here and this means that so much comes with it. We love our ice- creams and shakes but what we don’t like is the mosquitoes that come with it. And while we all hate it, unfortunately, they stay here for long and are hard to go. But don’t worry, we got you covered. Here are some simple and very effective tips and tricks that will help all the mosquitoes in your house buzz away.
Let’s get into it!
1. Choose A Good Repellant
A topical repellent that is good for summers and best to buzz all the mosquitoes away. One important thing that you must know is that repellents containing plant extracts such as citronella or tea tree oil are best for to buzz of all the mosquitoes.
Also, when it comes to repellent a simple spray isn’t just enough and especially in a country like Pakistan that is flooded with mosquitoes, you must spray repellant everywhere.
2. Create A Mosquitoes Free Environment
While it is very important for you to spray mosquito repellent everywhere it is also very important to make the environment around you mosquito free. Now what does that mean?
This means that you wash your house daily, empty and clean containers that collect water, regularly change water bowls and most importantly clean clogged gutters.
Also, make sure that the environment around you is clean and tidy. Clear away any tall grass and weeds that surround your house dispose of any debris and trash that might cause any sort of harm and make a living space for mosquitoes.
3. Use Mosquito Nets And Screens
Now, this has to be the most commonly used method especially if you are living in Pakistan. The use of nets and screens is one of the most effective and easy ways to buzz away mosquitoes. Not only do these nets allow you to get free air but their fine holes do not let any mosquitoes creep into the nets. Now isn’t this good?
4. Personal Protection Methods
This tip is also very important as we can see that no matter how much we try to do if we are not personally protecting ourselves from these little creatures then what’s the point?
To do so, make sure that you are wearing long sleeves in summer and using mosquito lotions daily. Another very important thing is to not step out of your home after 7 pm or so.
5. Fill Your Pots And Plant Saucers
You don’t need your plants to suffer when mosquitoes are around especially when they are breeding. Fill the pot with sand and plant saucers with sand. What this does, is trap moisture and stop water sloshing about that mosquitoes would otherwise breed.
6. Switch On Your Fan And AC
Your place must be cool because only in that way the mosquitoes won’t breed. For instance, if your place is cool and fresh and is all clean then there is no way that mosquitoes will ever enter. This also means that when you are exhaling the air it will disrupt their flight.
7. Make Sure You Are Telling Everyone About It!
Now that you know about it, it’s your join that others know about it as well. With rising cases of dengue and malaria, we are aware that it must be hard for everyone and that’s where your job comes in, make sure your friends are wearing mosquito lotion and are following all these tips.
Wishing you a very fresh, breezy and fun summer!