Nadia khan vs Behroze Sabzwari
Behroze Sabzwari is all talk these days. From getting famous through a viral podcast to passing remarks and controversial statements about others, Behroze Sabzwari has done it. Recently, we saw Nadia Khan talking about his recent controversial comments on women, which has sparked an online debate.
Here is more to the story!
Nadia Khan And Her Statment On Behroze Sabzwari
Nadia Khan appeared on a show recently, where she is the part of it as a commentator she said that she has problems with Behroze Sabzwari. On saying that she explained why she feels that way and she went on to say that the main reason for that is his remarks on women and the way they dress.
She said ” He is spilling his secrets. I have a problem with him talking about other women. In a recent podcast, he talked about his ex-bahu, which people objected to. Sometimes he talks about me and other times he talks about other women. He talks about women and I get uncomfortable when he talks about other women especially when he is talking about their clothing.”
In that show, Rubina Ashraf defended him by saying “He is spilling his secrets as well as that of others.” That’s all she said.
But it was clear that Nadia Khan was done with Behroze Sabzwari. She supported her argument by saying that it’s not right to talk about someone’s clothes and that of women.
Behroze Sabazwari And The Viral Podcast
This wasn’t the first time when we saw Behroze Sabzwari talking about something like this. It was only a few days ago when he talked about Imran Khan and said “He never drank more than one drink”
This statement sparked online outrage and many accused him of spreading lies. He earlier said that he wished his ex-daughter-in-law to get married again. This also raised some eyebrows and people were very upset.
Earlier a year or so ago, he also appeared on Nadir Ali’s podcast where he said women should dress appropriately and shouldn’t wear any tight clothes especially when they are riding on motorbikes. He went on to say that women should be more careful with their dressing. This caused an outburst of opinions from netizens where they have criticised him for his misogynistic remarks.
Behroze Sabzwari And Hina Khawaja Bayat
This isn’t the first time when he was called out earlier he was called out by Hina Khawaja Bayat who said in the apparent video that
“These days it’s very easy to get famous, all you have to do is to appear on a podcast and say controversial statements and get famous”
Many users also, agreed with her.
Is Behroze Sabzwari Right?
In the end, we think that Nadia Khan is right when it comes to Behroze Sabzwari’s apparent controversial and misogynistic statements. We live in a misogynistic and patriarchal country and statements are nothing but an aversion against women.