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Respectful Parenting
November 15, 2023

Respectful Parenting: What it is and why it matters?

Respectful parenting is a parenting philosophy that is based on the idea that children are human beings who deserve to be treated with respect. It entails nurturing children through a foundation of mutual respect, love, and compassion. This belief revolves around appreciating the autonomy and individuality of each child, fostering an environment favorable to their... Read More

Respectful parenting is a parenting philosophy that is based on the idea that children are human beings who deserve to be treated with respect. It entails nurturing children through a foundation of mutual respect, love, and compassion. This belief revolves around appreciating the autonomy and individuality of each child, fostering an environment favorable to their holistic development.

Respectful parenting is not about letting kids do whatever they want or ask for. It is about setting clear boundaries and expectations in a kind, caring and understanding way.



Benefits of Respectful Parenting

Respectful parenting comes with numerous advantages. Children who are raised with respect are more likely to be:

    • Well-adaptive and happy
    • Feel confident and sure of themselves
    • Empathetic and caring
    • Succeed in academics and work
    • Build strong relationships with their parents and other adults

Respectful Parenting Strategies and Tips

Certainly! It involves several strategies to foster a positive environment. Here are some tips on how to practice respectful parenting.

Strategies and Tips


Be an Empathetic and Active Listener: Pay close attention to your child’s thoughts and feelings. When they talk to you, give them your full attention and Acknowledge their experiences or emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

Be Clear in Boundary Setting: Clear and direct communication is the key in setting boundaries. Children should understand your expectations to feel safe and secure. However, it is important to communicate these boundaries gently.

Model Respectful Behavior: Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. Show respectful behavior in your dealings with your child and others. Be mindful of your words and actions, and try to set a good example for your child.

Provide Choices: Offer your child choices whenever possible. By doing so, you convey that you respect their independence and appreciate their opinions. This can help to build your child’s self-confidence and promote their decision-making skills. When presenting options, ensure they are choices you find acceptable. For instance, you might say, “Which shirt would you like to wear: the red one or the blue one?”

Choose Positive Reinforcement over Punishment: Reinforce positive behavior by offering praise and encouragement. Focus on what your child is doing well rather than solely on mistakes. This is much more effective than punishment in promoting good behavior. There are many ways to provide positive reinforcement, such as praise, hugs, kisses, and special activities.

Reinforcement over Punishment


Be Consistent and Patient: Children flourish when there’s a predictable routine and discipline. It helps children to feel secure and know what to expect. Additionally, practice patience, recognizing that they are continuously learning and growing. Your patience during their challenges and skill development contributes to a supportive environment.

Apologize and Repair: If you do something wrong, be ready to apologize.  This helps your child see that everyone can mess up, and it shows them how to take responsibility for their actions.

Applying Respectful Parenting in Daily Situations

Here are some practical examples of how to implement respectful parenting in everyday scenarios

When your child is misbehaving, instead of getting angry try to calmly explain why their behavior is wrong and offer them a choice about how to fix it. Remember that misbehavior is a normal part of child development. For example, if your child is hitting, you could say something like, “I understand that you’re angry, but hitting is not okay. Would you like to hug me or take a few deep breaths?”

If your child is showing tantrum, the best thing to do is to stay calm avoid anger and wait for the tantrum to pass. Once your child has calmed down, you can talk to them about what happened and help them to learn from the experience.



When you’re disciplining your child, don’t use hitting or harsh words. Instead, focus on using positive discipline techniques, like time-outs or letting them face the natural or logical results of their actions. These methods work better than punishment and teach kids important lessons for life.

When having a conversation with your child, lower yourself to their eye level so that you’re at the same height. This shows that you are attentive, value and respect them.

If your child doesn’t want to share their feelings, help them understand that you are here for them, and it is okay if they are reluctant right now. Create a safe space by expressing, ‘Your feelings are important, and I want to understand. I’m here to listen whenever you’re ready.’


In summary, respectful parenting is an ongoing journey that requires time, practice, and patience. It’s okay to make mistakes – just learn from them and keep trying. Ask for help from your partner, friends, or a therapist if you need it. Additionally, prioritizing self-care through enough sleep, a balanced diet, and personal enjoyment is vital for effective and nurturing parenting. Remember, being a respectful parent is about understanding, getting support when you need it, and taking care of yourself. This creates a home filled with respect, patience, and love for both parents and kids.