10 Things You Need To Know About Heart Health
Imagine your heart as the engine of life that powers your entire life. With every beat, it propels you forward, it moves you forward and it drives you through existence. But imagine if this force is not working, imagine it being weak and helpless, and yes that force is your heart. In this blog, we’ll be diving into the ten most important facts about your heart health that will help you sustain a long and healthy life.
Why Must We Talk About Heart Health?
It is crucial to understand that your heart health is extremely crucial. With so many cases arising because of heart problems, we are almost surrounded by heart diseases every day.
South Asia is on top of the list. 2 out of 10 are suffering from heart problems and heart diseases. Heart attacks are common, cardiovascular diseases are widespread and more young people are experiencing heart problems.
With so much going around, it is very important to recognize the importance of heart health.
How To Keep Our Heart Health In Check?
Many things can help us achieve “perfect” heart health. Many doctors have different suggestions about it but here are some tips and tricks that almost all of these align with. Here is what you can do:
1. Do Some Cardio
Cardio refers to cardiovascular. Cardio and aerobic activity are vital for a healthy heart. Furthermore, it increases your overall 10 Things You Need To Know About Heart health and enhances your cardiorespiratory fitness.
Many doctors suggest that one must do 75 minutes of cardio every day. One must engage in aerobic activity and exercise. A lot of activities like running, jogging, jumping and dancing serve the same purpose.
2. Live Smoke-Free Life
Smoking is one of the many reasons why many people are experiencing heart problems.
Quitting smoking is an excellent way of keeping your heart in top condition. Smoking not only damages your vessels but it furthermore, constricts your arteries. Quitting smoking, therefore, increases your likelihood of living long. Along with that, you must avoid second-hand smoke.
3. Get Adequate Sleep
A good night’s sleep is good for your heart seeing as it lowers blood pressure and allows the body to repair itself. So, ensure you sleep and get enough hours of sleep for at least seven hours every night.
One research study that poor sleep results in increased blood pressure which increases your heart disease risk.
4. The Cuprit: Cholesterol
Cholesterol is often misunderstood as the villain in our heart story and is more like a double agent. It’s necessary for building cell membranes and hormones.
However, it must be noted that too much cholesterol can clog your arteries, potentially leading to heart disease. Think of cholesterol as a balance between good and evil in your body.
5. The Nutrition Fuel
Your heart is like a high-performance car that needs premium fuel to work and run properly.
A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains provides optimal nutrition for your heart health. Think of each meal to revitalize your engine.
6. Stress
Stress is a road block. Imagine stress as a pothole, and you’ll see it wearing you down and leading to more issues.
Therefore, it is very important to manage stress and use relaxing techniques. One must remember that stress is a silent evil, it is something that is slowly destroying you.
Unfortunately, a lot of people these days are suffering a lot from stress without really releasing how destructive it is.
7. Quit Alcohol
Alcohol in moderation can be like a tightrope walk. It may benefit some hearts, but excessive consumption can throw off your balance. Think of it as maintaining a ready equilibrium.
8. Laugh More
Whether you are watching a movie or spending time with your family. Laugh as loud as you can as it is good for your heart.
Therefore, laugh and smile more.
9. Maintain A Healthy Weight
Excess weight increases your vulnerability to heart disease and high blood pressure. Therefore, you should always strive to maintain a good and healthy weight.
10. Drink More Water
Something as simple as drinking water can keep you healthy and active.
After reading this blog, you can understand Why More People Are Having Heart Problems These Days?
Your heart works around and pumps around 2000 gallons of blood daily. Drinking more water helps your heart do its job properly.