LUMS Student Got Killed In A Road Rage Accident
A tragic news just came out a few days ago we saw a young student losing him to a tragic road rage accident and while we see this happening now and then, this one will break your heart.
Here is more to the heart-wrenching story.
What Happened?
Last week it was reported that a young driver probably aged 17 hit a young student of LUMS named Abdul Hadi. Mujtaba Waqas who was behind the wheel, was driving at a speed of 130 and went on to drive. As the videos came out, we can see how Abdul Hadi was found more than 9 feet in the air and died.
He was badly injured and since he was hit so badly he died on the spot. Mujtaba who was driving, didn’t stop but kept on driving even after hitting Abdul Hadi and his brother. Abdul Hadi is also badly injured and is currently in ICU. While they mourn the death of their son with the other one being in the ICU, the main culprit, Mujtaba Waqas is still roaming freely.
Social Media Outrage
After the news broke out, we also saw many students who started coming out in waves for student Abdul Hadi and as many would describe him, he was a cheerful and nice soul. Students and netizens are demanding total justice for the family.
It is also reported that the main culprit in this case, who is Mujtaba Waqas is the son of a businessman and is roaming freely. As the brother of the deceased describes his brother
“You can ask anyone he’s met and you will only hear good things about him. Stand up and not just for him but for the countless spoiled underage shits that are swarming the roads and endangering our kids. Make your voice heard in whatever way you can, you must have seen the viral videos. This underage driver as well as his parents should be behind bars. My baby bhai is gone, saved your loved ones.”
Lawless Society
While the family of the deceased mourns, Mujtaba’s family continues to try and protect him by either pinning the accident on the driver or penalising Abdul Hadi. In the end, we know what happens.
This isn’t the first time where we have heard a story where the culprit is roaming a family while the family tries to save them, in true filmy fashion the justice system lets injustice win in the end. And while all this might sound like a script from a thriller movie, the sad and scary part is that it is a reality for many in this country.
Call For Protest Student
The good part is that many people have come out in support of the deceased boy and are demanding justice. People from all sorts of backgrounds are asking. As of now, we have reported that people have called for a protest in Lahore at Liberty Chowk.
This means that in Lahore you should be there. The deceased’s family needs your help and only you can help them with justice!