Pakistan’s Role In Global Diplomacy
As we all embark on a very different journey, the elections, we stand amidst global pressure. For years Pakistan has been on the verge of conflict, and our overall history with many countries is something that needs to be studied. We need to study the position of our country when it comes to Pakistan’s global diplomacy.
In this blog, we’ll be diving into how Pakistan’s relations have been in the past and its global diplomacy in the present as well.
1 . Pakistan And the United Nations (UN)
Pakistan since its inception, has played a pivotal role in the UN.
By far we are one of the most liked countries in the UN. It is a great honor for us, that Pakistan has always stood up for what’s right.
We have always been vocal about injustice, especially if that injustice is about Kashmir and Palestine. Our former prime minister Imran Khan’s UN speech is one of the most viewed speeches in UN history.
As a responsible country, we have been very vocal about the atrocities of India, the Palestine issue, the Kashmir issue, Global Diplomacy, and climate change.
2. Pakistan And Relations With America
We all are aware of the kind of relations we’ve had with the US.
Back in the 80’s US was our strongest and most trusted ally. We helped them wage a war against Afghanistan. We trained our soldiers to participate in a war that wasn’t ours, and because of such poor Global Diplomacy, we faced the brunt by being the poster boys of terrorism.
It took us many years to wipe out our long-lost good reputation. Recently, we’ve managed to reconcile with America. For now, we are on good terms with America, however, our relations need time to strengthen.
3. Pakistan’s Relations With Iran: Global Diplomacy
Without a doubt, it is one of the hottest topics right now.
Iran was the first country to recognize us after independence, eventually leading to more cordial and friendly relations with Iran.
We have always supported Iran and have had very good relations with one of the most famous countries in the Middle East.
Unfortunately, it was only recently that our “friendly” relations were brought under question. It was in January 2024, when Iran launched a missile strike on Pakistan. Iran violated international law and infringed the sovereignty of the country.
Pakistan took stringent measures and called its ambassadors back from Tehran, which is the capital of Iran. We again launched a missile strike on Iran as a response.
For now, both countries are on neutral terms as Iran is trying to regain our trust, however, we don’t know what the future holds.
4. Pakistan And Relations With India
Our relations with India are of no surprise.
Without a doubt, India has been a long-gone rival. Our bitter relations started with India the moment we gained independence.
Since then, both the countries have been fighting. Because of such tense relations, both countries have fought three wars.
Moreover, there has always been tension going on between these two countries. We have always tried mending relations with India but they have never tried to fix things with us. Sadly, India has always tried to sabotage relations with us.
5. Pakistan And Relations With China
If there is ever an example of a “Fair Weather Friend” then that has to be of China.
China has always been our friend, we’ve had China as a friend who has been there with us at our worst.
China has not just supported us morally and socially, but also economically. Many projects including the CPEC, Gwadar Port projects, roadway projects, and projects on the Karakoram Highway are some of the projects to name.
Furthermore, China has always supported our Global Diplomacy standing and our stance on global politics.
6. Pakistan And It’s Position In Middle East
Pakistan’s global diplomacy has also partnered with many countries in the Middle East.
As a sovereign state, we’ve maintained our relations with Countries for instance UAE, Kuwait, Bahrian and Oman.
We’ve had many developmental and educational projects with Middle Eastern countries. We have our professionals including doctors, engineers and architects working in these countries.
Pakistan has realized how important it is to maintain relations with these countries as they as oil-rich countries.
It is pertinent to note that Pakistan’s Role In Global Diplomacy has always been a country of great principles. We as a nation are well-reputed for speaking the truth and raising our voices for any injustice.
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